Parenting Twinning

Our Twins: A Four Month Update

Did someone press the fast-forward button on our twins? Because this month flew by.

Did someone press the fast-forward button on our twins? Because this month flew by.

Since we last caught up with our little nuggets, they’ve been changing faster than ever.

Hand dexterity? Check.

Neck strength? Mastered.

Incoherent babbling? Conquered.

Our nuggets are no longer blobs. They look like real babies,  roll like real babies, scream like real babies, and boy, do they crap like real babies.

The biggest update is that they’ve graduated to sleep in their own individual cribs. That means less accidental hitting and more sleep. That made it possible to drop down to one feed per night, which put us on a semi-predictable schedule during the day. It has, as you would expect, been magical.

The other big update is the nuggets’ infatuation with new people and new textures. We’re doing our best to introduce them to new activities (more on this below) and toys. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

As of January 11, 2018, our son is…

  • 15.2 pounds (6.9kg).
  • Sleeping on his stomach now.
  • In love with his Oball. Thanks, Tia Sami!
  • A big fan of books. He absolutely loves being read to.
  • Loving the sound of his own voice. He seems to realize that if he screams at the very top of his register, he gets attention from his dads. And it definitely works.
  • Rolling over. In one sitting this past week, he rolled from his front to his back a total of six times. Do we have a gymnast on our hands?
  • Very much aware that his twin sister exists. They stare at each other, hold hands, and if we’re very lucky, we’ll catch them speaking some strange language that only they understand.

Our daughter is…

  • 14.9 pounds (6.8kg).
  • Sleeping with her hands out of her swaddle now.
  • Starting to grow some adorable blonde/red-ish hair.
  • Sassy. She really makes you work for a smile, and is already an advanced eye roller.
  • Really enjoying the feeling of flying. Her daddy flies her around the room while singing “I Believe I Can Fly.” It’s a guaranteed giggle fest for all involved. 
  • Obsessed with Sophie the Giraffe. She lights up every time she sees her, and can often be found cuddling with her before nap time.
  • Finally aware that she has a twin brother. Hooray!

As for us? We are…

  • Busy as can be. We attend weekly Baby Sensory classes (Monday), Rhyme Time music classes (Wednesday), and Babes In Arms movie showings (Thursday). Tack on a full day with Nana and Pop (Tuesday) and a weekly Abuelly-Telly Skype session with their Abuela and Papa (Friday), and these parents are settling into quite a nice routine.
  • Starting to feel like a couple again. Now that we’re down to one feed per night, we’re both getting adult-like sleep again, which has resulted in less emotional breakdowns (on my part) and an ability to work through problems and baby outbursts in a sensible manner. We can get out of the house in under 30 minutes now, and find ourselves high-fiving daily, which means we must be doing something right.
  • Getting time away from the babies. My hubby is off to work each day, and I’m practicing yoga a few days a week. With a handful of friends on either side and opportunities for baby-less meetups, we’re thinking – for the very first time – that this experience might not kill us.


For real-time updates on our adorable nuggets, follow me on Instagram. And stay tuned for our five-month update coming on (or around) February 11th.

Until next time, stay sane. And crafty. Always stay crafty.


6 comments on “Our Twins: A Four Month Update

  1. Oh, how I remember the major life change of going to one feeding a night – it’s indescribable. And, honestly, Coop – the picture with the knee on the elbow, and Stella – the hat and sunglasses? You’re killin me, Smalls
    Love you all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Those just happen to be my favorite photos, too. That one of Stells Bells kills me. JUST KILLS ME! I guess great minds think alike (or like the same photos). But we already knew that about the two of us, now didn’t we?! ❤


  2. Love it all Sean! Thanks for sharing news on your nuggets! (Love that) I forwarded to Tio Eddy and Max because I’m not sure if they see it otherwise. Please add them for future if they are not on already and Xoxo to you Josh Coop and Stella!❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Anny Naya 401-465-4498



  3. Judi Bilodeau

    Thank you for this! So well written! Pics are divine. You all are so adorable. Love you lots❤️ XOXO, Mama Muffin

    Liked by 1 person

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